Norwegische Waldkatzen 
from Gold Creek Valley

Norwegische Waldkatzen 
from Gold Creek Valley



black-mackerel-torbie w/white

GSD IV normal - both parents GSD IV normal tested



About me




Host Cats








When I discovered Pippa on Anja's website, it was love at first sight. I absolutely had to have her. Her natur and character are simply unbeatable and I don't want to miss her anymore.

Pippa is a big and strongly build girl with a nice triangular head with straight profile. Her big ears are placed excellently and she has almond shaped eyes. Pippa has a wonderful Norwegian expression and her color distribution is just an eye catcher.

She unites in her pedigree old Danish and Swedish lines which are known for large sizes. Well, it does not suprise me at all that she walks around on nice big feet and already has for a young cat an asthonishing size.

Pippa showed us with her first litter, that she is a born mother, who brought up her kittens withour needing any support .

She is our "mother for all" and adopted so far always very quickly the new kittens, who moved into our house.

Because Pippa very much dislikes driving in a car, I decided not to take here to cat shows.

 Thank you Anja, for letting me have this dream come true!



Pippa is the mother of our G-litter


Link to her breeder: Koeni's


Karin Ortiz
Winzerstr. 15
63773 Goldbach
Tel.: 06021/540975
©Karin Ortiz

