Norwegische Waldkatzen 
from Gold Creek Valley

Norwegische Waldkatzen 
from Gold Creek Valley



GSD IV normal - both parents GSD IV normal

HCM negativ - tested on December 23, 2011 by Dr. Schneider

HCM negativ - tested on November 9, 2012 by Dr. Kresken

PK-defience - n/n - tested by Biofocus 01/2014



über mich




Host Cats








With Mojito, the second son of EC*S Ambient Paul, in my eyes a wonderful male, moved in with us - Mojito is ment to be an enrichment to our cattery, who hopefully takes care, that we will be blessed with colorful kittens.

Mojito was love at second sight, but a pretty strong one then.... This little man can melt your heart away with his gaze, that's just the way he caught me when he was six weeks old and I realized, that I had to get him. So I did.

Mojito got a rather seldom color of cream-silver-classic-tabby and also impresses with his large silver proportion and his clear classic marking. He is a sturdy strongly build male kitten with a great triangle head with straight profile and good set ears with lynx tips. His eyes are set slope and his expression is just fantastic!

 Mojitos character is plainly unbeatable, he didn't growl nor hiss when moving into our house, but charmed everybody right away - he is just wonderful.

Now I am happy to watch this little "cream slice" growing up here and would like to pass my thanks on to Anja for letting me have this little cutie.

Mojitos show carrier has been ended, because this boy just hates to travell by car.


Mojito is the father of our E-litter


Link to his breeder: Koeni's


Karin Ortiz
Winzerstr. 15
63773 Goldbach
Tel.: 06021/540975
İKarin Ortiz

